Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Core Subjects: English, Maths and Science - Computing?

Nobody can argue against the importance of learning the intricacies of the English language. It teaches us to effectively articulate our ideas, opinions, needs and wants. Mathematics is equally crucial, without addition and subtraction everyday mundane tasks like managing a weekly budget and the hours you have left at work become impossible challenges. And Science, as a study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world is an agglomeration of both. So where does the argument for teaching computing as a core subject stand?
With the dawn of the digital age it quickly became clear that commonplace software and technologies like MS Office, the internet and GUIs were here to stay, and that we had better start education our younger generation so as not to be left behind in the global race for IT education. ICT courses are now ubiquitous throughout UK's secondary education and Europe's equivalent institutions.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Survival Kits Explained

Surviving a number of life challenges is ingrained in humans from the time of birth. For the majority, survival is paramount. Many of which, would consider doing almost anything in order to survive or escape an emergency situation. Whether camping, hiking, or facing a world crisis, the need to find food, shelter and warmth are all, vital elements in the art of survival techniques. Many accomplished explorers and hikers are aware of how to survive. For the less experienced it can be a daunting prospect. Preparing for emergency situations and knowing what tools are needed in order to survive can be confusing for many. This article looks at survival kits and which items to include.
Whether preparing a camping or hiking trip, or facing a crisis, survival is important to all involved. Food, shelter and warmth are daily requirements in any given situation. It is has often been recommended that keeping a stock of food, toiletries, alternative lighting, and cooking supplies along with extra blankets in the home can aid survival should a major crisis occur. The majority of people who require a kit in order to survive are mainly those who hike, explore and camp on a regular basis. These are the people who're familiar with essential survival tools.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

College Sports Scholarships

Getting a college scholarship is not an easy task; there are several challenges to overcome. And if you are going for a scholarship based on a game skill that you possess, it is even more challenging to make the right choice. Be it baseball, golf, tennis or soccer that you love, it opens a wide window of opportunity to get you into some of the best colleges to pursue your academic dream and become a sports professional, additionally. Who said teeing off on the green or teeing off into academic excellence was difficult? No doubt, the challenges are formidable but the singular advantage of honing body and mind towards reaching your goals is reward in itself.
Some helpful information on identifying challenges and approaching them in a most meticulous manner is set out here.
• If your mind is set on playing golf or tennis or basketball in college by winning a scholarship, get yourself an early start. The best thing would be to make a 'wish list' of those things that would make your college going experience; these will keep evolving during freshman or sophomore years and it is important to identify what works for you best.