Wednesday, April 10, 2013

9 Types of Grants Available To Women for College

If you are thinking about going back to college, you might be wondering if there is any scholarship or grant money available. Here are some tips for finding grants to pay for college.
College grants are the financial assistance provided to women for stimulating their education program by offsetting their cost of college education. These grants are offered to women because they have been treated biasedly despite the fact that they comprise 51% of the United States population. Thus, college grants for women enable them to pursue education regardless of their low incomes, disabilities or minority issues.
College grants are offered to all women whether they are single moms, minority students, disabled, unemployed, graduate or under-graduate etc. Generally, the grants for women are sponsored by different legal entities such as local government, corporate sector, non-profit organizations, state, companies, research institutes and federal government.

Different types of college grants are offered based on their needs and certain merits. Some of the most popular college grants are explained here below:
One of the most important grants for women is the Ford Foundation's Pre-doctoral Fellowship. This college grant is offered specifically to the minority women who intend to make careers in engineering, mathematics or science.
The Barry Goldwater scholarship grants are available to junior girls who are aiming to get majors in science or mathematics subjects. These grants are offered when the GPA is above than average, and the graduate program is expected to be in the similar fields.
Another unique type of grants offered to the African-American nurses is called the National Black Nurses Association. This type of exclusive financial assistance enables the nurses to get an education despite their racial or cultural differences.
Similarly, the women who want to seek education in engineering, computer science or information technology is provided financial aid through 'National Science Foundation' grants for women.
Another exclusive grants offered to minority women include the Regent's Healthcare Scholarship for Medicine and Dentistry. These grants for women enable the minorities to get financial aids for their dental and medical college fees.
There are also certain grants for women who intend to get a master's degree in accounting and finance. One such grant is the Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting.
Moreover, there is a special type of grants for women who are aged above 35 years, such as the Jeanette Rankin Foundation.
Most importantly, the single mothers are also assisted financially through different grants. For example, a special grant is offered by Raise the Nation - a non-profit organization, for helping the single mothers to fulfill their financial need and seek higher education.
Another most famous grant offered is the federal Pell grants. These grants for women enable them to seek education and spend money on books, housing and transportation.
In short, these above-mentioned grants for women prevent them from facing the barriers in getting higher education. Whether you have not enough means to get proper degree or left education due to financial problems and so on, there are many different organizations out there to assist you in educating yourselves, your family and thus, the whole community.

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